Frequently Asked Questions:
Do I need to be a Harvard undergraduate student to be a part of HCHAA?
While HCHAA is an undergraduate club primarily concerned about undergraduate community and well-being, we host many events that are open to the larger humanist community, so please don't hesitate to sign up for our mailing list and/or email us privately with any questions.
I'm not sure what I believe. Am I still welcome to attend events?
Of course! Very few people have belief systems that are completely unchanging, and we welcome the attendance of all people interested in Humanism, atheism, agnosticism, and everything in between.
What does the time commitment for this club look like?
There is no expectation whatsoever to attend every event that we put on. Come to as many things as you can and want to.
Do I need to pay to be a part of this club?
Nope! Some things, like merchandise, may cost money, but the goal of HCHAA is to be a free, open organization for undergraduates.